7 Amazing Places to Visit in America this Year

When planning a trip to the United States of America, all the different options of where to visit can be overwhelming and you can end up feeling a bit daunted. This might lead to you just booking a flight to a classic destination, like New York City or Los Angeles, and while these places are great, some of the greatest treasures in the country are a little less known. Check out the seven spots featured below for inspiration on finding somewhere a bit different. (more…)

StudentLust Wednesday: Visit Cape Town

Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

From the location to the adventure to the culture, it makes sense why you should visit Cape Town, the favourite holiday destination of many. Find out our reasons for why you should be rushing to visit the southern most city of Africa!


20 Reasons to Travel in Your 20’s

Your 20’s. You’re old enough to make your own decisions. You’re young enough to pick up and go virtually anywhere. So take advantage this time in your life to soak up new experiences and jet off on spontaneous adventures.

At StudentUniverse, we are on a mission to make global experiences possible. We believe that travel is essential to modern education and that students return enlightened and inspired. Get inspired below with our 20 reasons to travel in your 20s!


StudentLust Wednesday: Morocco

Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

If you’re looking for a holiday experience that encompasses intriguing adventure and rich culture you should look no further than Morocco. The mouth-watering cuisine, remarkable natural landscapes and grand palaces are just a few of the countless reasons to visit the North African country.


StudentLust Wednesday: Iceland

Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

As one of Europe’s least populated country, Iceland remains a curious place for many travelers. From endless hours of sunlight to phenomenal, unspoiled wonders to their vibrant culture, there are plenty of reasons you will be enchanted to book your next holiday or gap year travel to Iceland.
