Your 20’s. You’re old enough to make your own decisions. You’re young enough to pick up and go virtually anywhere. So take advantage this time in your life to soak up new experiences and jet off on spontaneous adventures.

At StudentUniverse, we are on a mission to make global experiences possible. We believe that travel is essential to modern education and that students return enlightened and inspired. Get inspired below with our 20 reasons to travel in your 20s!

1. No Responsibilities

You have nothing major tying you down just yet- no career, no kids, no mortgage. There is no better time than NOW.

2. You Can Do It For Cheap

StudentUniverse makes it easy to find deals on student flights, tours, and cheap hotels that won’t break the bank!

3. Able To Discover Yourself

Being around unfamiliar surroundings will allow you to discover your sense of self and your individual impact on the world.

4. Appreciate Your Home

Taking a step back to gain a new perspective on people and places allows you to truly appreciate where you come from.

5. Ignite A New Passion


You may strike a new spark in an activity you had never previously considered, be that blogging, photography, etc…

6. Make New Friends

You will meet incredible people who will undoubtedly inspire you, help you, or simply grab a pint with you.

7. You Have The Stamina

You won’t always be able to party until the sun comes up and then do it all again the next day.

8. Boost Your Resume

International work or study abroad experience is sure to catch the eyes of future employers.

9. Create Your Own Experiences

Tired of scrolling through everyone else’s amazing travel pictures? It’s time to go out and take your own.

10. You Can Indulge

Eat that extra slice of pizza, drink another glass of wine- your metabolism won’t always be so forgiving.

11. You’ll Learn A Ton

You’ll be in the real world learning about the people and places you would otherwise read about in a classroom.

12. Build Confidence

Push yourself to grow as an individual. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

13. You May Find Love


Something that would only happen in the movies. Keep your mind and heart open- you never know!

14. Stay Sane

It is important to reward yourself with some time off to relax and escape from reality.

15. Improve Your Social Skills

You’ll be able to strike up a conversation with just about anyone, all while working with language barriers.

16. Learn To Budget Money

You’ll learn how to stretch your dollar and get more bang for your buck which will prove to be beneficial when back home.

17. Gain Exposure

The random little town you stumble upon and places around the world you did not plan for will end up teaching you the most.

18. Disconnect From Social Media

Live in the moment, soak up your surroundings, and stop being concerned about your Instagram likes.

19. Live Without Regrets

Never miss a chance to see the world- you will return home with stories and memories that will last a lifetime.

20. WHY NOT!


What are you waiting for? You’re only young once, make the most of it and travel while you can!


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