Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

As one of Europe’s least populated country, Iceland remains a curious place for many travelers. From endless hours of sunlight to phenomenal, unspoiled wonders to their vibrant culture, there are plenty of reasons you will be enchanted to book your next holiday or gap year travel to Iceland.



Iceland is staggeringly breath-taking and otherworldly. You can’t turn a corner without coming upon active volcanoes, moss-covered lava fields, glaciers, black sand beaches, icy multi-colored mountains, and hundreds of supreme waterfalls.


Located between Europe and North America, Iceland has the best seat in the house to view the spectacular phenomenon that is the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. The best season to ensure you will get a glimpse of this stunning sight is considered to be September to mid-April.



The European culture of Icelanders stretches back over a thousand years ago to the Viking Age. Whether you visit a rural fishing village or the hip city of Reykjavik, the energetic cultural blend of old and new will be sure to make your experience memorable. Not to mention their internationally recognized music scene who has brought us artists like Björk and Of Monsters and Men!


 Adventure most definitely awaits you in Iceland. Hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, snowmobiling, glacier tours, exploring caves, whale watching, and even elf-hunting (Yes, you read that right. 70% of Icelanders believe in the existence of a hidden world of magical elves and trolls). You name it- there are plenty of outdoor activities to keep you busy while enjoying the beauty of the country.



Aka the most epic pool in the world. The Blue Lagoon is an expansive, crystal-blue geothermal spa with views of sensational snow-covered lava rocks in every direction. Not to mention, the warm water is rich in sulfur and silica which will leave your skin feeling healed and rejuvenated.


So… what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and check out our deals on flights to the unique destination of Iceland.


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