We were blown away, yet again by the number of entries we’ve received during Fresher’s week. Unfortunately, there can only be two winners, with that in mind we are delighted to announce the winners of Fresher’s 2016.

Congratulations to our winners: Rhea Campbell who has won two return flights to New York and Ileah Gondalia who has won two return flights to Thailand. Congratulations ladies!

We want to say a big thanks to everyone we met at Fresher’s week and for helping us make this year the biggest yet. We also want to acknowledge our sponsors: Student Money Saver, Etihad, Virgin Atlantic, Delta Airlines and Jet Airways for their contributions towards Fresher’s week.

Highlights of Fresher’s Fair 2016

Check out highlights of Fresher’s Fair 2016

See what our experts thought about the Fresher’s week.

Categories: Travel Advice


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