If you’ve been thinking of travelling, the answer is yes! There is no better time than to travel as a student. You are in full swing of your youth, you are trying to understand the world and you have the strength to go on some really awesome adventures. If you need convincing than make sure you check out our top 5 reasons to travel as a student.

Find Self

There’s no better time to understand who you are then when you’re travelling. As a student you are all too familiar with the transitions you’ve had to take from secondary, college to university and travelling isn’t any different. Whether you are travelling alone, with friends or with family, you start to learn what you like and what you don’t like when going abroad and no better time to figure it out then when you travel as a student. With so many cultures and traditions in many ways this can impact your way of thinking and exploring. Travelling ultimately presents you with new opportunities and challenges that will shape you for the future.

Develop Skills

Whether its communication, writing, knot-tying or listening skills, you are bound to learn something from your travels. As you travel you naturally pick up new skills that help you make the most of your adventure. You may go out your way to learn a new skill like surfing when in Thailand or Mountain climbing in Peru. All skills can then be used on a new journey, to make money and would look impressive on your CV.

Making New Friends

Unless you stay all day in your hostel or hotel room, when you travel as a student you are bound to make new friends. It is especially easier when you’re travelling far from home as people are more inclined to strike up a conversation with you on the bus, at the market and bar. With the advancement of technology and social media there are numerous apps and sites that allow you to meet up with people also travelling the same routes as you. Travelling allows you to make friends and special relationships with different people around the world which you may not of necessarily been able to do at home.

It’s Never Been Easier

When you travel as a student you have the most fun!  With student discounts on flights, hotels and tours, travelling has become extremely affordable no matter what budget you are on. With Summer, Easter breaks there hasn’t been a better time to grab all your friends together for a break. You only have your student life once so you want to make the best of it.


Being At Peace

Travelling allows you to leave some stresses of your student life and just breathe and take in your surroundings. Going away as a student means that you can leave behind some of your day to day routines for something new and fun. If you’re travelling with friends it allows you to test your relationship and see how you guys interact when you are not in your comfort zone and the same goes when going away with a partner. When you travel as a student you have a chance to spend time by yourself or with those you love.



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