Well done for completing you’re a-levels, you’re now well on the way to being a real grown-up! You may be used to the benefits of living at home and not having to worry about everyday practicalities such as cooking or finance however if you’ve just got into university you may be feeling quite nervous as you do not know what to expect. When at university, it’s time to fend for yourself whilst still finding time for you to complete all your academic work, which can be a bit of a shock to your system. However here at StudentUniverse, we have comprised a list so that you know exactly what you should be expecting.

Student Loan

It’s an amazing feeling when you see your account balance double or triple however you must understand that the reality is your student loan won’t go as far as you think it will. Your student loan will cover the necessities such as your accommodation and books. However, it probably will not stretch to everyday spending on food, laundry, night’s out and clothes. You should make sure you cover any bills such as your phone bill as this will probably be your most used communication to friends outside university, family and new friends that you will make. It is important that you have enough money left over in case of emergencies and do not blow it all on drinking, cinema or eating out as this will strip you of your cash no matter how tempting the prices may be. It may be a good idea in your first term to get a part time job which will support your day to day living in university but also give you some experience on independent and working life.

10 Top Things You Should Know Before Starting University


Your student halls shall be your mecca as this is the one place you’ll spend your time sleeping, reading, chilling and sleeping once more. Sadly your accommodation may not be as nice as home. For many of you freshers, this will be the first time you are living away from home and away from your bed and your kitchen. Depending on what accommodation, you’ve decided on you may be sharing a kitchen with people you may not know and unfortunately it’s up to all of you to take control and tidy up after yourselves or create a chart where everyone decides on what day they would like to clean. This will help avoid arguments and help you get along as flatmates as you shall be living with them for a whole academic year. Don’t be shocked you may get some homesickness so it’s best to make your flat as homely as possible. This can be done by putting up posters, pictures of friends and family, getting comfy cushions, lighting and warm duvets.

student accommodation

Invest in a good laptop

There is probably going to be no other time where you will be using the computer as much as university, and it’s important that you invest in a decent laptop that won’t give you any problems. The last thing you want is to lose any files or to fail to upload a piece of coursework on time as this may cause you to have your work disqualified or be given a bad mark. Many people take their laptops into lectures as you are able to follow the lecture slides and make quick notes however do not feel you have obliged to. It is important to make sure you have a good working laptop as you will most probably be watching a lot of movies and shows on it as many people do not bring along a tv with them.

Invest in a good laptop

Student Discounts

It will feel like Christmas with all the student discounts you will be entitled to including discounts off flights, hotels and tours from yours truly StudentUniverse. If pays to be aware of what discounts you are able to get, as this will help you keep your costs at a minimum. Grab yourself an NUS card if you do not already have one as this will save you fortunes on clothes, gadgets and food. Signing up for a 16-25 Railcard is you next point of call as if your living quite far away from home this will save you money on trips back down. In addition to this it is wise to sign up to your local supermarket as you will be able to join its loyalty schemes and get vouchers for nights outs, money off bills and entertainment.

Studentuniverse Discounts


One of the biggest challenges is switching from your sixth form format of writing to what the university wants you to do and with this comes referencing. It is unpleasant and hard however once you get the hang of it you will be a pro. It is important you ask your course tutor, lecturer or class teacher what type of Student Discounts they will like you to do as this will automatically allow you to know what they are looking for. Alternatively you can check out Cite Them Right  which tell you what system your institution prefers and it is essential that you stick to it. You will do a lot of reading during university and it is important that you get your sources from an array of sources and one way you can do this is by using Google Scholar which will allow you to do in depth research and get the top marks.



There is no longer mom and dad waking you up instead you have to take it upon yourself you make sure you attend your lectures and seminars as attendance alone can help you achieve top marks overall. If you are unable to attend your lectures and you’re lucky enough that it is recorded, you must then make sure you go to your classes as there will be a register and this is where you are bale to ask questions you were unable to in lectures, go over unclear arguments and generally meet the people on your course. As many courses ensure you do group work and presentations so it’s worth knowing who you would like to work with early on.


Be Open-minded

University is probably the best place to meet people from around the world as many university’s may have international students here from aboard. It is important to understand we are all different and have our own traditions, holidays and cultures. Being at university you will often find that you be having a never ending party with the different religious festivals which is an amazing way to meet people you may of never spoken to before. Allow yourself to talk to and make friends with people of different racial, cultural and sexual orientations this will not only allow you to understand the word from different perspectives but it sets you up for working life as not everyone around you will be the same.

Be Open-minded


Contrary to what you may expect, most students do lounge around in hoodies and jeans however this is usually seen during exam period. It is crucial to wear clothing that you feel comfortable in as this will allow you to indulge fully into your environment. It is however useful to get yourself some formal clothing as there will be events that require you to get a bit dressed up for the night.

wear clothing that you feel comfortable

Its Fine To Feel Overwhelmed

Last but not least it is okay to feel overwhelmed. Everyone is pretty much in the same boat, as you will find some people came to university without knowing anyone and that is the perfect opportunity to make friends. One way of doing this is leaving you door open when everyone moves into your halls or accommodation as people will often say hi. It is completely fine to feel a lost and worry as you are far away from home and you are now in control of your future. It is important that you seek help from the advice, career and mental health center whenever you have any concerns and need guidance as sometimes you may feel very happy come fresher’s week but once the work starts feel helpless. Your university is there for you, along with the Student Union don’t let anything stop your from having a good time.

Its Fine To Feel Overwhelmed


Armed with these tips, you’re ready to take the big step and start your university career in style and comfort. These are some of the best years of your life, so make sure you make the most of them!

If you’re planning or are studying in the UK, check out StudentUniverse for student and youth discounts on flights, hotels and tours to ensure your trip is as cheap as possible.