We know how it is; exams are over, that time sucking vacuum which was the centre of your life for months is gone and you’re left with more time than you know what to do with. Here’s six smart ways you could use the summer holidays to your benefit:

1. Travel

Six Smart Things Students Should Do This Summer

As a student you have the most free time you’re ever going to have, whilst at the same time travel is at its cheapest it’ll ever be for you. That can only mean one thing: you should be travelling! You can get student rates on flights, stay in cheap hostels and explore the world at a fraction of the price that it’ll be in the future. It’s not just the fact that travel can be cheaper for students either, it also has major long term benefits like helping you differentiate your CV, and ensuring you stand out going for jobs and in your academic work based on your experiences. Seriously, you should be travelling now.

2. Do a Placement or Summer Internship

consider an internship this summer

It’s worth spending some time over the summer on building your CV. If you find the right role, you can get invaluable experience that will stand you in superb stead for getting a job at the end of University. Using superb websites like Rate My Placement enable you to research opportunities and find employers that are focused on providing good quality work experience for students. Doing your research is essential as you want to spend your summer productively, not making tea. And, if you do a good enough job, you might even land yourself a role at the end of it.

3. Have Fun After Exams

relax after exam stress

Taking the time to blow off steam, enjoy yourself and relax after exam stress is something that shouldn’t be underestimated. Ensuring you come back to University for your next academic year fully rested and with renewed vigour to achieve your goals is essential. Sometimes, the only way to do this fully is to chill out in the sunshine and have some fun after your exams.

4. Network and Attend Conferences

networking is a good way for students to spend their summer

Some of the most impressive graduates come out of University having made contacts in their chosen industry before they even graduate. Obviously this can be hugely beneficial and highlights to future employers that you’re already ahead of the game and that you have the right attitude. Similarly attending conferences and learning things that are right on the cutting edge can be a huge benefit to both your next year(s) at University, and your future employment prospects. And the best part? Most conferences are free for students. Get involved.

5. Get Ahead of the University Game

start university work early over the summer

We understand, you just finished your exams after revising your socks off for the last 2 months and now we’re saying you should be working again to get ahead at Uni again. It’s a tough sell. However give us a chance. We’re not saying you should be revising, writing papers and making notes, but you should be thinking ahead to big projects coming up over the next 12 months. Things like starting to think about that dissertation, or that core piece of coursework this early can be game changing and mean you’re in a hugely strong position come October. And of course, reading through the first few chapters of your next year’s textbooks (in the sunshine) wouldn’t do any harm either.

6. Volunteer

consider volunteering this summer for students

Volunteering can be a great way to travel cheaply whilst doing something that’s self-fulfilling and rewarding. There’s so much variety in what you can do nowadays as well; whether it’s animal conservation, helping build schools or facilitating running drinking water, you can change hundreds of people’s lives with a bit of altruism over the summer. Check out these volunteering trips for some ideas of what you could do.

That’s it.. Six smart things students should do this summer.

Please share this post if it helped you decide on what you want to do this summer and let us know what your plans are in the comments below. And remember that if you’re a student or youth traveller, you can get discounted rates on flights, hotels and tours at StudentUniverse.

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