When you’re motivated you can achieve anything you set your mind on and this is especially important when you’re looking to travel.  Though the idea of travelling is inspiring it can sometimes be hard and frustrating so it’s important that you plan your trip thoroughly before you choose to go. It’s important to find ways to stay motivated, and here at StudentUniverse we have created a list of the top ways in which you can stay motivated.


To keep your mind motivated on travelling it is essential that you make sure you keep a record of all the places you would like to go.  Look at different bucket lists and create one for yourself of all the different countries and seasons you would like to visit them in.  Try researching destinations online, reading news from overseas, and generally getting to know the world better. There are so many places to see, and no time to waste! Book your flight today.

How To Become A Student Traveller

Devote time 

Stuff always seems to come up, doesn’t it? So start think when  you would like to go on your trip. This can be during the holiday periods, weekends or maybe when you take a gap year. Pick a day and time you are normally not busy (i.e. on Facebook, Twitter) and devote that time to planning your trip. Make it a consistent part of your schedule and develop a habit so that it doesn’t feel like a task you “have” to do, rather something that is automatically.

Devote time

Read travel blogs

Reading about other traveller’s adventures can show you what your trip may be like and where you would like to go.  You’ll find information that will make it easier to travel, advice and tips on the art of travel, and you’ll probably hear of places you’ve never heard of before. From these you may find inspiration to write your own travel blog that may help with employment during your trip or help other travellers like yourself.

Learn another language

Though this is not a necessary requirement, learning another language can help you feel more comfortable and confident when going to another country.  Why not try joining a class or doing an online course as once you’ve started learning the language, you’ll hate to waste your new skill. As you travel the language you picked up can only get better which will help you with employability if you decide to come back.

Paris Eiffel Tower

Learn to Budget

Know your budget and stick to it. Whether it’s regarding the dates you’re travelling or the cities you’re going to; flexibility is a great way to take advantage of the best travel deals available. At StudentUniverse we allow you to compare flights and accommodation to ensure you get the best deal. So even though you’re going on an adventure, it is important you have enough money and know how to spend it wisely. If you’re wondering when the best time is to book it would be late May and late August/early September as prices tend to be slighter lower than at peak times like Summer. Though the early bird sometimes gets the worm; booking eight to ten weeks before your ideal departure opens you up to the seats airlines are looking to give away.

Utilise your friends

The cliché that you’ll meet people from all walks of life at university is actually very true and can help you when you’re looking to travel. Why not take advantage of the travelling opportunities provided by knowing such a mix of people. This means that you may be able to stay with new friends which will help you gain new perspectives, language skills and knowledge. This also means accommodation will be free plus a student filled tour around this new county.

meet people from all walks of life

There’s a world of opportunity out there just waiting to be explored, so make sure you don’t miss out! Remember, the only thing that’s limiting you is your imagination.

If you’re a student discount hunter, you can get student only rates on flights, hotels and tours at StudentUniverse.


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