12 Things You Don’t Want To Miss In Turkey

Turkey is famous for its Turkish delights, turquoise waters and tantalising kebabs. Home to the world’s oldest city, the ancient land of Troy, and the birthplace of Santa Claus, it is a country full of surprises. You will struggle to encounter a nation with greater patriotism than the Turks and visiting will leave you with little question as to why. Below are some of the best experiences for you to begin your love affair with this magnificent and often overlooked, country. (more…)

StudentLust Wednesday: Iceland

Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

As one of Europe’s least populated country, Iceland remains a curious place for many travelers. From endless hours of sunlight to phenomenal, unspoiled wonders to their vibrant culture, there are plenty of reasons you will be enchanted to book your next holiday or gap year travel to Iceland.


StudentLust Wednesday: Croatia

Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

From the remarkable scenery and beautiful architecture, to the lively music scene and the perfect climate; there are countless reasons why Croatia is climbing to the top of many peoples travel bucket-list. Check out our reasons of why you should consider Croatia for your next holiday destination.
