Though the idea of travelling is inspiring it can sometimes be hard and frustrating if you’re short for cash so it’s important you get to explore the right way. Get the most out of your trip by doing some things differently so you can see more of the country. Here at StudentUniverse we have created a list of the top ways that you can the most out of your trip by travelling cheap.

Work Whilst You Travel

If you’re looking to go travelling but are worried your funds may not stretch far enough then you should consider working abroad. There are plenty of opportunities out there just as long as you’re not picky. You have to remember that you are not starting a career yet are just looking for a way to earn money for your travels. Most jobs don’t require advanced degrees or a lot of work experience; roles such as bartending, cruise ship worker or season work can be found on BUNAC and Alliances Abroad. Whatever the role, you’re bound to find something.  The most important thing about working aboard is discovering yourself and meeting new people that you may see again on your travels.

Teach English Overseas

One of the best ways to make money whilst travelling is teaching English abroad. If you speak English fluently then you’ll be able to sign up for a work exchange program which requires you to have conversations with students in English who want to improve their language skills. You can make a lot of money teaching as many students and everyday people want to learn English. This is a job in high demand whereby many companies in Asia will even pay for your flight over.


Another way in which you can save a couple pounds is hitchhiking whilst you’re travelling. It is a free way to get around destinations and in most places such as Central America, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Australia and New Zealand this is a relatively safe practice and is quite common.

Free Walking Tours

If you’re looking to learn whilst you travel then why not take a free walking tour. You can find them in 90% of the major cities in Europe, and there are also a few in large Asia, USA , Australia and New Zealand.  If you’re looking for something a bit extra then you should check out our amazing tours for something that’ll suit you.

Free Accommodation

If you don’t mind not living in complete luxury then you should check out Couchsurf! This is a free service that connects travelers with locals who are willing to accommodate you. Though you can get a room, you can also find yourself sleeping on a couch or even an air mattress at times but it is always free and this helps minimize your costs. There are also Couchsurfing group meetups that can help introduce you to new people and customs.  You can find this also on similar sites such as Servas and Hospitality Club, whatever one you choose you’re bound to meet amazing people.

Train as a Missionary

If you’re very religious or looking to find yourself then you can try joining the missionary. It must be said that missionary work can be challenging as you will be engaging with people from all different walks of life and fundraising in a country you may not know a lot about. However being a missionary can be fulfilling and allows you to gain the necessary skills that you can take onto employment.

There’s a world of opportunity out there just waiting to be explored, so make sure you don’t miss out! Remember, the only thing that’s limiting you is your imagination.

If you’re a student discount hunter, you can get student only rates on flights, hotels and tours at StudentUniverse


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