When at university, it’s time to fend for yourself however still finding time  to complete all your academic work, which can be a bit of a shock to your system. The transition from a-level life to university is probably the biggest one you’ll ever have to make. So here at StudentUniverse we have comprised the ultimate checklist of all the things you should expect and purchase before you start your first year at university.

1. Your first student loan installment might seem like a windfall, but chances are it won’t go as far as you’hoped. So make sure you budget.

 Freshman Student University Checklist

2. Before you go out and buy stuff it is a good idea to check what the uni will be providing.

3. You do not have to buy module books from the university’s bookshop, shop around as they can expensive

4. While there will almost certainly be a supermarket within close range of your halls or campus, it’s worth stocking up on the essentials to save some money.

the essentials to save some money

5. Unfortunately your room in halls won’t be like a hotel, so you’ll need to remember to take all the things you need for a comfy night’s sleep with you.

6. Yep, that’s right. For all the buzz and excitement of Freshers’ Week and university, there’s a downside too. Occasionally the university will employ cleaners to take care of communal areas like the kitchen, but you’ll almost certainly be expected to keep your room clean.

7. Bring a homemade student first aid kit, with pain killers, cold/ flu remedies, heat packs and plasters!

homemade student first aid kit

8. Probably one of easiest items to forget when packing, we all do it. But make sure you remember your laptop and phone charger.

9.It’s all about the personal touches. Your room will be your home for a couple months so it’s worth covering the walls with a few posters to liven things up a bit.

10. Make sure you get regular exercise.

Make sure you get regular exercise

11. During your first month at university you will probably get “freshers’ flu”, so prepare your medication.

12.When you order a taxi, ask for an eight-seater as this is a great way to split cost and save you a bit of money.

13. There will be never-ending queues to get into clubs especially during Freshers, so you need to get there early. split taxi cost and save some money

14. The Students Union will have events going on all week, usually involving minor C-list celebrities and silly party games.

15. Friendships are formed very quickly.

16. Join societies, you are bound to make some friends.

make some friends

17. Bring a pack of cards, you will soon learn you will be the life of the party.

18. It can be hard to keep up with your laundry

19.You have to take it upon yourself you make sure you attend your lectures and seminars as attendance alone can help you achieve top marks overall.

20.Invest in fancy dress costumes, as there will be lots of parties and society events.

21.You can create your own society.

22. Don’t forget your ID when you go out. Your friends won’t thank you for it.

23. Get an NUS card it; will save you lots of mulla

NUS card will save you lots of mulla

24. Join a clubcard scheme, as you will save lots on your food-shops.

25. Use your time wisely. Don’t leave your assignments to the last minute

26. It is important you ask your course tutor, lecturer or class teacher what type of referencing style they will like you to do as this will automatically allow you to know what they are looking for.

27. When it gets closer to deadlines the computer lab and the library get very busy, so get there early.

Use your time wisely

28. Make sure you read your course material so you know what to expect from the lectures

29. It’s okay to feel as though you want to change modules. 18% of students usually switch modules during their first week.

30. Get to know your classmates as you will be asked to do presentations together.

Get to know your classmates

31.Everybody is in the same shoes as you!

32.They are chapels on campus.

33. Sometimes you will be overwhelmed, and stressed, but that’s what university is all about. Take a break, eat a snack, chill with friends and you’ll be right back on track.

Take a break, eat a snack, and dance

34. Google saves your life, seriously!

35. Make sure you have a full functioning laptop.Nothing is worse than your laptop breaking before coursework hand in.

36. You will call your parents more than expected.

You will call your parents more than expected

37. Red Bull really does give you wings when you are trying to finish up your assignments at 2.30am but make sure you don’t drink too much.

38. Invest in headphones they will save your life when in class, walking home or in the library.

39. Don’t be afraid to ask for teacher feedback.

40. Sometimes you will not make it to your lectures, not to worry as you can listen to them again on your online directory.

Sometimes you will not make it to your lectures

41. There will be a lot of opportunities around you – make the most out of them!

42. Ask your tutors questions – it’s what they’re there for.

43. There is no better feeling than the one you get after handing in all your assignments. Go and celebrate!

44. Start getting work experience as early as possible. Employers love it !

Start getting work experience as early as possible

45. Don’t plan who you’ll be living with in your second year straight away. Get to know people properly first.

46. Be prepared to eat a lot of unhealthy stuff.

47. Your sleeping pattern may get a little messed up.

48. You will realise how much you miss home cooked meals. Savage them whilst you can.

49. Fire alarms go off at the most random times. Typically while you’re in the shower, sleeping, or using the toilet. But make sure you leave the building in case of a real fire.

50. Spend some time exploring your new town or city.

51. You will eat a lot of pizza.

eat a lot of pizza

52. Your experience at university will change you as a person in many ways, usually for a better.

53. Uni work can get hard and stressful at times, but you will be OK. Thousands of students graduate university each year, so why wouldn’t you?

54. You only get this experience once make the most of it.

get this experience once make the most of it

Armed with these tips, you’re ready to take the big step and start your university career in style and comfort. These are some of the best years of your life, so make sure you make the most of them!

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