
Fresher’s 2017 – Bigger, Better and even more EPIC!

Guess what? No really guess? If you haven’t figured it out, StudentUniverse is back out on the road yet another year for Fresher’s 2017 and we’ll be coming to a university near you stuffed with exciting prizes to be won, free giveaways, discounted flights, and tours. This is a perfect opportunity for you to meet the team, find out what exclusive deals we have on offer and how you can become a StudentUniverse member.


Freshman Student University Checklist

When at university, it’s time to fend for yourself however still finding time  to complete all your academic work, which can be a bit of a shock to your system. The transition from a-level life to university is probably the biggest one you’ll ever have to make. So here at StudentUniverse we have comprised the ultimate checklist of all the things you should expect and purchase before you start your first year at university.
