Travelling with friends is a great way to go. Trips are funnier, you always have someone to lean on when things don’t go quite to plan (because with travel that’s always the case) and you always have someone who can take your picture in front of that landmark you’ve always dreamt of seeing.

And now it’s never been so easy to save on a flight. Share the love and refer someone new to StudentUniverse and you’ll get £15 off your next flight once they book. Plus they’ll get £15 off too! Other than saving a few quid on your flights, here are some other reasons to travel with friends:

Someone to share memories with

Travelling solo is great and you come away with so many fantastic memories. But when you travel alone, you have no one at home to share those memories with. No one to go: ‘Hey do you remember that time in New York when we…’ Or to laugh about that time a monkey stole your water bottle from your bag in Ubud. 

You have your own personal photographer

Taking photos comes part and parcel with travelling nowadays. And travelling solo can always make taking photos a little tricky and awkward (unless you’re a HUGE fan of a selfie). Instead of looking for a stranger to take your photo, you have a trusted friend you can cajole to take as many photos of you as your heart desires. 

Plane travel is much better with friends

When you travel with friends, the worry of sitting next to a stranger on a flight vanishes. Yes, your friend may snore and lean on you during your red-eye, or constantly get up and down to use the bathroom. But better a friend than a randomer right? 

It can save you money

Saving money on travel is always great and it’s so much easier to do when travelling with friends. Solo travellers tend to fall victim to increased prices with tours and accommodation, but with friends additional costs become nonexistent. You can share the cost of rooms, transport and meals, meaning your travel funds and travels will last a lot longer.

You see the world from another perspective

Travelling with friends allows you to experience a new culture and destination in a different way. It’s all about compromise when travelling with others, so half your time will be spent seeing and doing things that your friend wants to. Which may be completely the opposite of what you want to experience. Which is amazing as you’ll come away with a whole new perspective that you may not have gained all thanks to your mates.  

Safety and confidence in numbers

Travelling is a pretty big step out of many people’s comfort zone, and some feel that travelling solo is one step too far. And that’s fine! Travelling with friends can make you feel safer and more confident when exploring a new country. Leaving more time for adventures and less time worrying and stressing about the hurdles solo travel can bring. 

If your mates (or dates) are ready to book an exciting getaway, then get ready to share the love. Refer them to StudentUniverse now so they can save £15 on their flights and you can save £15 on yours. Everyone saves, everyone wins!