Places And Things To Discover Before You Enter Your Thirties

Places And Things To Discover Before You Enter Your Thirties

Travelling in your youth allows you to shape your perspectives on the world and people. You begin to realise who you are and what you believe in before its time to make the ‘grown up decisions’ such as marriage, career and other daunting yet joyous things that may possibly impact on the rest of your life ! However before any of that happens we have come up with some of the most significant and mind blowing places for you to visit and things you ought to do before hitting the 30. Check out and tick off our soul-searching bucket list. (more…)

What To Expect From Freshers Week

What To Expect From Freshers Week

Everything’s new, you’re probably moving away from home for the first time and you’re surrounded by people you’ve never met. The first week at university is normally called ‘Freshers’ Week’ and will be packed through with new places, new activities and new faces. It can be a daunting time for many new students who are probably striking out on their own for the first time, but an exciting time too! One of the main things to remember is that, however confident and ‘at home’ other new students appear, they are probably just as nervous as you. You can prepare yourself beforehand though, by being a bit organised. So here at StudentUniverse we have comprised a list of all things you should expect during freshers week so that you’ll have a better idea of what to expect from your hectic first week at university.  (more…)

Ten Things To Know Before Taking A Gap Year

Many people decide to take a year out instead of going into university for a variety of reasons. However you may find yourself asking ‘what can I do in my gap year?’ There are hundreds of gap year ideas out there and there’s something for everyone. Not only are gap years fantastic but they boost your CV allowing you to wow potential employers. So here at StudentUniverse we have comprised a list of things you should know before taking a gap year.


Best Places To Go Hiking In The UK

If you’re looking for an adventure, then there is nothing better than hiking up mountains and exploring unknown territory. Better yet, you do not have to fly across the world for this adventure. The UK has a huge amount of hiking trails so there will never be a shortage of adventure. Whether it’s a stroll through the countryside or a determined trek with a lot of ups and downs, chances are you’ll find exactly the trail you want without having to get on a plane to a different continent.


How To Plan a Cheap Student Road Trip

A student road trip during summer is a must and here at StudentUniverse we believe everyone in university or just finishing university must go on one, no matter how shoe-string your budget is. Often enough sticking to a budget allows you to have the most interesting journeys as you meet the weird and the wonderful. So we have comprised the ultimate guide for your best student road trips in the UK and outside the UK making sure you will be in for one long party.
