12 Things You Don’t Want To Miss In Turkey

Turkey is famous for its Turkish delights, turquoise waters and tantalising kebabs. Home to the world’s oldest city, the ancient land of Troy, and the birthplace of Santa Claus, it is a country full of surprises. You will struggle to encounter a nation with greater patriotism than the Turks and visiting will leave you with little question as to why. Below are some of the best experiences for you to begin your love affair with this magnificent and often overlooked, country. (more…)

5 Things Not To Pack When Studying Abroad

Many of us find that once we go on holiday we immediately regret bring those 3 tops we never wore and half the suitcase of things we never used. Studying abroad isn’t any different, you don’t want to be the girl or boy who has to throw things away because you didn’t need it. So if you’re off to study abroad soon here is the ultimate guide of the NO DON’T PACK list, so that you can make room for the more important things. (more…)

7 Unique Places Every Student Should Visit In Europe

7 Unique Places Every Student Should Visit In Europe

Travelling away from home can be very frightening and yet so exciting. It’s crucial you make the most of the years studying by seeing some amazing and new places. To make this task a little easier for you; we have created a list of the top 7 places every student should visit in Europe. Travelling around Europe doesn’t have to be all about seeing the Big Ben this and Eiffel Tower although they are must sees. There’s are a lot of other cool stuff to do and places to discover. (more…)

Complementary Tips For When Studying Abroad This Year

Well done for completing you’re A-levels, you’re now well on the way into the working world! It’s always a big step going to university but it’s always a bigger step when you’re going away to study. To make things easier, here at StudentUniverse we have comprised a list to help you get you ready to study abroad from everything from the journey between departing from one airport and arriving at the other, dreams and hopes for a better future.
