How To Meet Up With Fellow 20-Something Travelers

This blog was submitted by: Andy Steves.

The highlight of any trip comes from the experience of connecting with others from different backgrounds that you meet while on your travels. It’s so easy to just stay in the British bubble, and it is just that much more rewarding to break out of it. The British Bubble provides comfort in an otherwise strange environment, yet prevents you from experiencing the country you’ve chosen to visit to the fullest.

You’d be amazed to find that though people may be different on a surface level, ultimately they are exactly like yourself. Ask about where they go on a Saturday night, what their views on politics are, how they celebrate holidays, where they want to live when they “grow up,” etc. It’s these types of connections that can bring the world closer together, and it’s this kind of cultural understanding that can make positive differences for our future.

Here are some tips to bridge those cultural gaps:


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