
Awesome Ideas for the Ultimate Gap Year Adventure

All gap years are exciting and new to the person undertaking them, but some are more generic than others. Spending a year in Europe, South East Asia or Australia is hardly trailblazing (as fun as it might be). The best way to have a unique experience is to travel the road less taken. In this day and age that is almost impossible, but there are routes that are less standard than others when it comes to gap year adventures. Why not try one of our three wild card gap years to make memories you will never forget.  


StudentLust Wednesday: Morocco

Studentlust (n): a strong desire or impulse for students to wander or travel and explore the world. Join us each Wednesday as we share the travel destinations we’re currently lusting over!

If you’re looking for a holiday experience that encompasses intriguing adventure and rich culture you should look no further than Morocco. The mouth-watering cuisine, remarkable natural landscapes and grand palaces are just a few of the countless reasons to visit the North African country.
