5 Things Not To Pack When Studying Abroad

Many of us find that once we go on holiday we immediately regret bring those 3 tops we never wore and half the suitcase of things we never used. Studying abroad isn’t any different, you don’t want to be the girl or boy who has to throw things away because you didn’t need it. So if you’re off to study abroad soon here is the ultimate guide of the NO DON’T PACK list, so that you can make room for the more important things. (more…)

The Best Places To Visit In India For Holi For Students

Holi is one of the major festivals in India, which symbolizes the victory of good over evil and also marks the arrival of spring, a season of new beginnings.  Visiting India to celebrate Holi is a great idea – you will have a fun-filled experience with enthusiastic people; but make sure you aren’t scared of getting drenched in colors and water!

The festival is celebrated the day after the full moon in March each year. Today we celebrate Holi on March 24. You’ll pretty much find Holi celebrations taking place almost all across India and around the world. While some celebrate Holi with traditional rituals, you’ll find today that others today with DJs, bhang and lots and lots of colours, the way life should be right. Check out our best places to visit in India to celebrate Holi for students.




Top 5 Reasons To Travel As A student

If you’ve been thinking of travelling, the answer is yes! There is no better time than to travel as a student. You are in full swing of your youth, you are trying to understand the world and you have the strength to go on some really awesome adventures. If you need convincing than make sure you check out our top 5 reasons to travel as a student. (more…)

4 Student Festivals To Visit

As festival line-ups begin to be revealed, the countdown to summer is officially on. Will you be watching Hot Chip in the bright lights of Bristol, Arcade Fire on the slopes of Mount Cobetas or Axel Boman on a boat in the Adriatic Sea?

Whether you’re a seasoned welly wearer or a festival virgin, we’re going to enlighten you on the best student festivals to attend in 2016. Get these gems on your radar, pronto. (more…)