4 Student Festivals To Visit

As festival line-ups begin to be revealed, the countdown to summer is officially on. Will you be watching Hot Chip in the bright lights of Bristol, Arcade Fire on the slopes of Mount Cobetas or Axel Boman on a boat in the Adriatic Sea?

Whether you’re a seasoned welly wearer or a festival virgin, we’re going to enlighten you on the best student festivals to attend in 2016. Get these gems on your radar, pronto. (more…)

Top 5 Black Friday Travel Deals

Its Black Friday and the sales are on but did you know that you could Black Friday travel deals! With destinations all over the world to visit there hasn’t been a better time to grab your tickets and travel. These one-day offers mean you can finally book that cheeky holiday away, return tickets home or study abroad flights for the new year. Whatever the reason, we’ve put together the top 5 destinations you need to be considering when booking with our Black Friday travel deals. (more…)