Top 5 Reasons You Should Visit Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world, so seeing the whole of the country in just one trip might be impossible. However if you’re wondering where should you go to in Russia, than you can count your lucky stars as we may have the answers you’ve been looking for.  With some much to do in this magnificent city we have comprised a list of the top five must go to places to visit whilst on your journey.


7 Unique Places Every Student Should Visit In Europe

7 Unique Places Every Student Should Visit In Europe

Travelling away from home can be very frightening and yet so exciting. It’s crucial you make the most of the years studying by seeing some amazing and new places. To make this task a little easier for you; we have created a list of the top 7 places every student should visit in Europe. Travelling around Europe doesn’t have to be all about seeing the Big Ben this and Eiffel Tower although they are must sees. There’s are a lot of other cool stuff to do and places to discover. (more…)

Best Places To Visit This Halloween In The UK

Every autumn a frightening fever sweeps the nation from its biggest cities to its smallest towns. It’s the annual opening of eerie exhibitions, haunted houses, creepy mazes and frightening fairs. Haunted zoo’s and decrepit grave yards re-create scary scenes and tales of terror for chill seekers to enjoy. Here at StudentUniverse we have come up with the ultimate places to visit in the UK for a bloody Halloween.


10 Money Saving Tips for International Students in London

London is one of the most amazing cities in the world filled with culture, people and history but it is notoriously bad for your student budget. Especially when you are an international student, it’s hard to know what’s a good deal and what’s a waste of money. In a foreign city with so much going on, managing finances can be overwhelming. Here are a few tips for international students that could help you live the London lifestyle without the ridiculous price tag.


Best Places To Go Hiking In The UK

If you’re looking for an adventure, then there is nothing better than hiking up mountains and exploring unknown territory. Better yet, you do not have to fly across the world for this adventure. The UK has a huge amount of hiking trails so there will never be a shortage of adventure. Whether it’s a stroll through the countryside or a determined trek with a lot of ups and downs, chances are you’ll find exactly the trail you want without having to get on a plane to a different continent.
