How to Save Money on Your Girly Travel Essentials

Saving money on your travel essentials is not easy, especially if you’re going to a vibrant city or tropical island with an exciting social scene for students and gap year rockers. Looking your best and having the latest gadgets can be a bit costly. However being able to spend some of that dosh on the greater things on your holidays like cocktails, bikinis and sunglasses can be priceless, especially when you’ve been saving for that trip of a lifetime.

Best Summer Holiday Destinations for Students

Sun tans, barbecues, summer camp, ice cream cones, and swimming are just a few of the images that come to mind for most people when they think of summer vacation.  Here at StudentUniverse we have come up with the top summer destinations. We’ve got everything from cat-walking vogue in Paris to saunas in Miami, as well as more than a few beaches. Here are the top summer destinations, each accompanied by our guide to enjoying the season.